In the heart of Georgia, a vibrant resurgence of an ancient craft is underway. The Borchalo carpet, once at risk of fading into obscurity, is being woven anew by the hands of young artisans eager to preserve their cultural heritage.
The Borchalo carpets, renowned among experts for their intricate designs and rich history, nearly disappeared in the twentieth century. The rise of factories producing cheaper, machine-made alternatives threatened the survival of this traditional art form.
Enter Ryan Smith, the visionary behind reWoven—a project dedicated to reviving the Borchalo carpet weaving traditions in Georgia. Recognizing the cultural significance and unique craftsmanship of these carpets, Smith set out to breathe new life into the endangered practice.
Thanks to reWoven’s initiatives, a new generation is learning the age-old techniques of hand-weaving. Young people across Georgia are taking up the loom, intertwining threads that carry stories of their ancestors, and ensuring that this unique craft continues to thrive.
“It’s more than just weaving carpets; it’s weaving our history and identity,” says one young weaver involved in the project. The revival of Borchalo carpets not only preserves an art form but also fosters a deeper connection among the youth to their cultural roots.