In the ancient cliffside village of Huangling, nestled in China’s Jiangxi Province, a simple tradition has blossomed into a breathtaking spectacle. Locals have taken to arranging chilies, grains, and other crops in intricate, playful patterns to dry in the sun, turning the village into a canvas awash with color.
What began as a practical method for drying harvests has evolved into an artistic expression that draws visitors from near and far. The vibrant displays, visible across terraced rooftops and winding alleys, provide a stunning contrast against the rustic backdrop of traditional architecture.
“We love sharing our customs with the world,” says one resident. “It’s a joy to see people appreciate the beauty in our everyday life.”
Whether it’s the fiery reds of chilies or the golden hues of grains, each season brings a new palette, ensuring that Huangling remains a dynamic and captivating destination all year round.
Villagers harvest attention with colorful crop patterns in Jiangxi