In 2009, a young journalist named Chen Limin found herself in the midst of chaos during the July 5th Riots in Urumqi. Through a tiny 5-centimeter gap in her door, she bravely documented the brutal killings unfolding outside. Her story, along with those of other survivors, is now being told in CGTN’s powerful documentary, “Darkness Over Urumqi”.
The film delves into personal accounts of that tragic day, shedding light on experiences that were hidden from the world. Chen’s recordings provide a raw and unfiltered glimpse into the events, capturing moments that would otherwise have been lost to history.
“Darkness Over Urumqi” aims to bring these stories to a wider audience, highlighting the resilience and courage of those who lived through the turmoil. By sharing these personal narratives, the documentary offers a deeper understanding of the impact the riots had on individuals and the community.