In the vast expanse of north China’s Badain Jaran Desert, a breathtaking spectacle unfolds as herders embark on their annual winter migration with their camels. This remarkable journey, spanning over ten days, sees herders guiding these resilient animals across rolling dunes to safer winter pastures.
Riding motorcycles through the towering sand dunes, the herders expertly lead the camel caravans across the desert landscape. The sight of camels marching in harmony against the backdrop of endless sands has not only ensured their safety but also attracted photographers eager to capture this majestic tradition.
Each spring and summer, the camels are released to freely roam the desert when the climate is favorable. As winter approaches and temperatures drop, the herders gather them for the migration to protect them from the harsh conditions. This annual cycle is a testament to the enduring bond between the herders and their camels, blending age-old customs with modern practices.