China Strengthens Domestic Violence Response with New Guidelines

China Steps Up Fight Against Domestic Violence with New Guidelines

China has introduced new guidelines to strengthen its response to domestic violence, aiming to better protect victims and hold offenders accountable.

The guidelines, published on Monday, were jointly issued by nine major institutions, including the Ministry of Public Security, the Supreme People’s Court, and the All-China Women’s Federation. They aim to help police more effectively prevent and address domestic violence.

One key aspect of the new guidelines is the clarification of how police can establish the facts in domestic violence cases, a process that has often been complicated and controversial. If the perpetrator admits to the abuse, statements from both the victim and the offender, or witness testimonies, are required. If the perpetrator denies the allegations, additional evidence such as audio recordings, videos, medical records, and previous complaints filed with authorities will be necessary.

The guidelines also outline penalties for lesser offenses. In cases where the abuse is considered minor and doesn’t warrant detention, police can educate and issue verbal warnings to the offender or issue formal admonition notices, especially if the offender has been warned previously.

Importantly, the guidelines emphasize a mandatory reporting system. Staff at schools, hospitals, community centers, and social service organizations are now required to report suspected cases of domestic violence to the police upon discovery. This is a significant step in ensuring that cases don’t go unreported and victims receive timely assistance.

The responsibilities of various sectors, including courts, educational institutions, healthcare providers, and women’s organizations, are also detailed in the guidelines. This collaborative approach aims to create a comprehensive support system for victims.

China’s anti-domestic violence law, which took effect in 2016, allowed police to issue admonition notices to perpetrators. In 2023 alone, authorities issued 98,000 such notices, reflecting the ongoing efforts to tackle this critical issue.

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