In the remote village of Salbulake, nestled in China’s northwest Xinjiang region, 83-year-old Wei Deyou has spent a lifetime guarding his homeland’s borders. For sixty years, Wei patrolled the rugged frontier as a member of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, enduring swarms of giant mosquitoes in scorching summers and braving temperatures plunging to minus 40 degrees Celsius in the harsh winters.
Defying the relentless challenges of nature, Wei remained steadfast in his duty, driven by an unwavering commitment to protect his country. “No matter how difficult, we must guard the motherland,” he often affirmed.
Now, after six decades of dedicated service, Wei is passing the torch to the next generation. His daughter has taken up the mantle, continuing the family’s legacy of border guardianship. Their story reflects a profound sense of duty and patriotism, inspiring many across the nation.
Wei’s lifelong commitment serves as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by countless individuals in the pursuit of national security and unity. His resilience and dedication resonate with people far beyond the borders he once patrolled, exemplifying the enduring spirit of service.