Anil Kumar Singh, an assistant professor at India’s Jawaharlal Nehru University, recently embarked on his first journey to central China’s Henan Province. Captivated by the rich tapestry of ancient Chinese civilization, Singh delved into the historical wonders that Henan has to offer.
“Visiting Henan was like stepping back into a time of profound wisdom and cultural brilliance,” Singh shared. “The ancient Chinese civilization offers insights that are incredibly relevant even today.”
Singh drew parallels between the ancient civilizations of Greece, India, and China, emphasizing that each has contributed unique perspectives to humanity. “These civilizations have laid the foundations for modern thought and continue to provide valuable lessons,” he noted.
In a world facing numerous challenges, from climate change to social unrest, Singh believes that revisiting the wisdom of the past can offer guidance. “By embracing the teachings and philosophies of our ancestors, we can find innovative solutions to today’s crises,” he said.
Singh’s experience highlights the importance of cultural exchange and learning from one another’s histories. As young people in the Global South navigate an increasingly complex world, ancient wisdom may hold the keys to a better future.
Indian academic on enduring wisdom of ancient Chinese civilization