when I Close My Eyes I Still Think About the Artifacts Video Poster

Unveiling Sunken Treasures: China’s Deep-Sea Archaeology Breakthroughs

When Chief Assistant Feng Wanli closes his eyes, the artifacts from the deep still linger in his mind.

Over the past year, Feng participated in an ambitious deep-sea archaeological project exploring two ancient shipwrecks in the South China Sea. This groundbreaking endeavor required creating high-definition maps assembled from over 100,000 photographs to successfully extract the relics hidden beneath the waves.

These shipwrecks, remnants of a bygone era, offer a glimpse into China’s rich maritime history and its connections along the ancient Silk Road. The arduous process of uncovering these treasures showcases China’s latest advancements in deep-sea archaeology.

“Silk Road Sunken Treasures,” a documentary by CGTN, captures this remarkable journey, highlighting the challenges and triumphs faced by the team. The film sheds light on China’s commitment to preserving its underwater cultural heritage and sharing these stories with the world.

As the deep-sea mysteries unfold, the discoveries not only enrich our understanding of the past but also inspire future generations to appreciate and protect our shared history beneath the oceans.

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