Captivated by the grandeur of the Great Wall since witnessing it during U.S. President Richard Nixon’s visit in 1972, American architect Jim Spear dreamed of one day owning a home beneath this iconic structure. That dream became a reality in 1994 when he acquired a house in Beijing’s Mutianyu Village.
Embracing his passion for blending tradition with modern design, Spear embarked on an ambitious renovation project. He transformed an abandoned primary school into a vibrant space housing a restaurant, an art glass shop, and a gallery. Not stopping there, in 2006, he rented and revitalized a disused glaze tile factory in Beigou Village, converting it into a unique hotel that marries rustic charm with contemporary comfort.
Spear’s approach to architecture is deeply rooted in respect for the past. Rather than demolishing old structures, he believes in preserving and enhancing them. “It’s an aesthetic principle on my part,” he explains. He values the diverse styles and unique typologies of houses in different areas and is committed to honoring the creativity and lives of the villagers who originally inhabited them.
Through his work, Jim Spear not only realizes his own dreams but also breathes new life into historic communities, creating spaces where tradition and modernity coexist harmoniously beneath the shadow of the Great Wall.