In the heart of east China’s Anhui Province lies Xixinan, an ancient village that transforms into a luminous wonderland as night falls. The sky bursts into life with soaring fish lanterns, an intangible cultural heritage that dates back centuries.
Gliding over historic bridges and meandering along the village stream, dozens of vibrant lanterns shaped like fish appear to swim through the air. The spectacle draws hundreds of visitors eager to immerse themselves in this captivating blend of history and festivity.
“This is like stepping into a fairy tale,” exclaimed Li Mei, a young visitor experiencing the tradition for the first time. “The lanterns make the village come alive in a way I’ve never seen before.”
The flying fish lantern festival is not just a visual feast but also a celebration of renewal and prosperity. Traditionally symbolizing abundance and good fortune, the fish lanterns are a beacon of hope as the new year approaches.
Local artisans spend months crafting each lantern by hand, ensuring that the age-old techniques are passed down through generations. The event is a testament to the community’s dedication to preserving their cultural heritage while sharing it with the world.
As the lanterns illuminate the night sky, visitors and villagers alike gather to celebrate, bridging the gap between past and present. The radiant display in Xixinan is more than just a festival—it’s a living story that continues to inspire awe and wonder.
Legacy Trails: Flying fish lanterns light up Anhui's night sky