The Spring Festival, known as Tet in Vietnam, is a vibrant and significant celebration in both China and Vietnam, showcasing the deep cultural ties between the two neighboring countries. This festive period is marked by a series of traditional activities that highlight familial bonds and communal harmony.
In the days leading up to the festival, families in both nations engage in thorough house cleaning to sweep away bad luck and welcome auspicious beginnings. Streets and homes are adorned with red lanterns and decorative couplets, symbolizing good fortune and prosperity for the coming year.
The centerpiece of the celebrations is the grand reunion dinner, where generations gather to enjoy sumptuous meals and share stories. This cherished tradition underscores the importance of family unity and respect for elders in both cultures.
The shared customs of the Spring Festival and Tet not only strengthen family connections but also serve as a beautiful reminder of the cultural affinities that bind China and Vietnam. As young people embrace these traditions, they continue to foster a sense of identity and community that transcends borders.
Spring Festival: A shared tradition between China and Vietnam