In the southern part of China lies the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, known as China’s “fruit kingdom.” At the heart of it is Nanning, a city that’s making waves in the global fruit market. Producing over 32 million tonnes of fruit annually, Guangxi has been leading China’s fruit production for six years in a row.
Local fruits like orah mandarins from Guangxi are not just popular in neighboring countries like Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore—they’re also making their way to far-off places such as the United Arab Emirates and Canada. Nanning plays a crucial role in this global distribution, serving as a hub where fresh and delicious fruits, both local and imported, are abundant.
But what makes Nanning so special? Its strategic location and robust transportation networks make it an ideal center for fruit trade. The city is investing in modern agricultural practices and technology to ensure the quality and freshness of its fruits, meeting international standards and satisfying taste buds worldwide.
As the world develops a growing appetite for healthy and exotic fruits, Nanning’s role in sharing Guangxi’s fruity treasures continues to expand. From juicy mandarins to tropical delights, the city’s contribution to China’s fruit success story is a sweet journey worth following.
How Nanning serves as a hub in China's 'fruit kingdom' of Guangxi