The acclaimed Chinese TV series “Empresses in the Palace” has reignited global interest after a spectacular reunion gala in Macao Special Administrative Region. This event, filled with excitement and nostalgia, brought together the original cast and crew, including director Zheng Xiaolong and stars Sun Li and Chen Jianbin, among 32 special guests.
With over 6 million viewers tuning in for the eight-hour celebration, the gala was a heartfelt tribute to the fans who have cherished the series for more than a decade. First aired in 2011, “Empresses in the Palace” is celebrated as one of the most powerful dramas in Chinese television history, vividly depicting the intense power struggles and personal sacrifices within the imperial court of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).
The 76-episode epic not only captivated audiences in China but also gained popularity in South Korea and Japan. In 2015, it was adapted into a six-episode mini-series for Netflix, earning significant international acclaim and introducing the intricate world of Chinese historical drama to a global audience.
Thirteen years after its original release, “Empresses in the Palace” continues to transcend mere entertainment. It stands as a shared cultural experience that inspires and unites viewers across generations and borders. The reunion gala in Macao has not only rekindled old memories but also introduced the series to a new generation eager to delve into its rich storytelling and complex characters.