Patricia Castro Obando, a renowned Peruvian journalist and sinologist, is sharing her passion for Chinese culture with the world. After living, studying, and working in China for nearly two decades, she has returned to Peru to launch an anthology of poetry featuring dozens of ancient Chinese women poets.
From 2003 until last year, Castro Obando immersed herself in Chinese society, becoming a trusted source for many Peruvians eager to learn about the Far East. As a former war correspondent, she navigated challenging environments, but it was her fascination with China’s rich cultural heritage that truly captivated her.
Her new anthology showcases the voices of ancient Chinese women, shedding light on their contributions to poetry and literature. Through this work, she hopes to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western cultures, and inspire a new generation to appreciate the beauty of Chinese poetry.
Speaking from Lima with CGTN’s The Vibe, Castro Obando emphasized the universal themes found in these ancient poems, highlighting their relevance to today’s society.
“My goal is to connect people through art and literature,” she said. “By sharing these timeless works, we can foster greater understanding and appreciation between our cultures.”
Peruvian sinologist shares her love of Chinese culture in new book