A new documentary series titled “Young Artisans” is shining a spotlight on talented young Chinese individuals who are making waves in the world of craftsmanship. Launched by China Media Group (CMG), the series showcases how dedication and the pursuit of excellence have enriched the lives of these youths.
In the latest episodes aired this weekend, the series highlights two remarkable Generation Z students, Long Weijie and Yang Shaohui, who clinched gold awards at the 47th World Skills Competition held in Lyon, France, in September.
Long, specializing in CNC milling, and Yang, focusing on automotive technology, have demonstrated exceptional skill and commitment in their respective fields. Despite facing numerous challenges, their unwavering dedication helped them overcome obstacles and achieve international acclaim.
Their stories are not just about winning awards but also about perseverance, passion, and the relentless pursuit of perfection. They serve as an inspiration to young people everywhere, showing that with hard work and determination, it’s possible to excel on the global stage.
CMG details young people's pursuit for excellence in craftsmanship