The tiny town of Doel, once on the brink of disappearing, is experiencing a colorful resurgence. Nestled near the Port of Antwerp, Doel was almost abandoned due to expansion plans of the port. However, the few remaining residents won a hard-fought battle to stay in their homes.
Now, efforts are underway to breathe new life into this ghost town. Street artists from around the world are flocking to Doel, transforming vacant buildings into canvases filled with vibrant graffiti and murals. These artworks are not only reviving the town’s appearance but also attracting visitors eager to witness this unique urban art scene.
“We want to show that Doel has a future,” says one of the local residents. The community hopes that the influx of art and tourism will help rejuvenate their hometown, preserving its history and injecting new energy into its quiet streets.
As graffiti brings color back to Doel, the town stands as a testament to resilience and the transformative power of art.
Belgian 'ghost town' pins hope on graffiti artists for revival