Li Ruijun, an acclaimed Chinese director known for his heartfelt portrayals of rural life, recently shared his insights on what makes a great film. Serving as a juror for the Golden Coconut Award short film competition at the 6th Hainan Island International Film Festival, Li discussed his passion for storytelling and his commitment to authenticity.
Rooted in the Land
“I keep making films about the land I come from,” Li said. Growing up in the countryside of the Hexi Corridor, he became intimately familiar with agricultural life. “From a young age, I helped with farm work during school breaks,” he recalled. Noticing a lack of films depicting rural life in his region, Li felt a duty to share the stories of his people. “It’s a place and way of life that deserves more attention,” he explained. “If there were already many films about rural life, I would have shifted to urban themes. But for now, I continue focusing on this land and its people.”
Blending Professionals and Locals
Li emphasized the importance of balancing professional actors with local non-professionals to capture the authentic feel of rural life. “I mostly make realist films, and capturing the texture of life is crucial—especially in rural settings,” he noted. Professional actors may find it challenging to immerse themselves fully in the environment, while locals bring genuine experiences to the screen. “The authenticity of non-professional actors can soften the forced nature of professional actors’ performances,” Li explained. “It’s about achieving harmony between both sets of individuals.”
The Essence of Originality
When it comes to evaluating films, Li places a high value on originality. “The most important thing is originality. The core value of any work of art is its ability to offer something fresh and unique,” he stated. He believes that regardless of cultural backgrounds, audiences appreciate emotional storytelling that moves them. “We want to see something moving, with a strong sense of originality,” he said. “There aren’t many differences with these.”
Li Ruijun’s dedication to authentic storytelling continues to shed light on the lives of rural communities, bringing their stories to a wider audience and enriching the world of cinema with genuine emotion and fresh perspectives.
Golden Coconut Award juror Li Ruijun shares criteria for great films