A new documentary series titled “Grand Cornerstones II” has just premiered on CCTV1 and the Yang Shi Pin video platform, shedding light on the remarkable ways scientific innovation is enhancing everyday life in China.
Building on the success of its first season, “Grand Cornerstones II” delves into the stories of ordinary people whose lives are being transformed by advancements in technology and science. The series explores how Chinese companies are working tirelessly to ensure there is enough food and energy for everyone, from securing ample supplies of cereals, oil, and salt to maintaining a steady flow of electricity.
One episode highlights efforts to maintain food safety, showcasing the technologies used to keep food fresh and healthy from farm to table. Another episode dives into the development of new-energy vehicles, illustrating how China is becoming a leader in sustainable transportation.
The series also takes viewers behind the scenes of constructing zero-defect infrastructure, revealing the engineering marvels that support modern society. Through personal narratives and vivid storytelling, “Grand Cornerstones II” makes complex scientific concepts accessible and engaging, showing how innovation directly benefits people’s well-being.
By focusing on real-life stories, the documentary aims to inspire young people to appreciate the significance of science and technology in everyday life. It’s a testament to how innovation is not just about cutting-edge gadgets but also about solving real problems and improving communities.
“Grand Cornerstones II” invites viewers to witness the profound impact of scientific progress and encourages a deeper understanding of how collective efforts in innovation can shape a better future.
CMG series highlights social changes fueled by scientific innovation