In the heart of Zhenkang County, nestled within Lincang City in southwest China’s Yunnan Province, the De’ang ethnic villagers are reviving an age-old tradition to celebrate the Spring Festival. Gathering under the sprawling banyan trees, they spin massive millstone-shaped tops, turning their festivities into a vibrant spectacle of culture and unity.
The top culture in Zhenkang County boasts a rich history, with more than 40 percent of the local villages having built dedicated top-playing fields. Recognized as an intangible cultural heritage, these millstone-shaped tops are crafted from hard wood, measuring between 20 to 40 centimeters in diameter and standing 5 to 8 centimeters tall.
For the De’ang people, spinning these hefty tops is more than just a game; it’s a cherished custom that brings generations together during the most important festival of the year. The sight of the tops whirling gracefully symbolizes good fortune and the enduring spirit of their community.
As laughter fills the air and the tops hum beneath the banyan trees, the De’ang villagers of Baiyan Village showcase their rich cultural legacy, ensuring that their traditions continue to thrive and inspire the younger generations.
De'ang ethnic villagers spin tops to celebrate the Spring Festival