In an era where digital narratives often blur the lines between reality and illusion, 21-year-old Tibetan youth Phuntsok Drolma has embarked on a mission to showcase the true essence of her homeland, Xizang. Returning to her hometown of Lhasa after studying abroad, Phuntsok decided to establish a media platform dedicated to capturing the everyday lives of the people in this ancient land.
“I want to show the world the real Xizang,” she says. “Beyond the picturesque landscapes and mystical portrayals, there’s a vibrant community with rich traditions and a modern heartbeat.”
Her platform features stories, photographs, and videos highlighting the daily experiences of the Tibetan people. From the bustling markets of Lhasa to the serene rituals in mountain monasteries, Phuntsok aims to present an authentic portrait of life in Xizang.
By sharing these genuine narratives, she hopes to bridge cultural gaps and foster a deeper understanding of Tibetan heritage among global audiences, especially the youth.
“Everyone has a story worth telling,” Phuntsok emphasizes. “Through these stories, we can connect and appreciate the diversity of our world.”
BRICS New Youth | Tibetan youth's illustrated guide to the real Xizang