Despite his age and health hurdles, 74-year-old Tobgye is unwavering in his mission to protect the Tibetan macaques. Operating in the Linze Scenic Spot of the Xizang Autonomous Region, his dedication has led to an extraordinary rise in the monkey population—from just 30 individuals to over 5,000.
“The macaques are like family to me,” Tobgye says. “Seeing them thrive brings me immense joy.”
For decades, Tobgye has patrolled the mountainous terrain, safeguarding the macaques from threats and ensuring their habitat remains undisturbed. His tireless efforts have not gone unnoticed; local communities admire his commitment, and conservationists are inspired by the resurgence of the macaque population under his care.
The Tibetan macaque, known for its intelligence and social behavior, plays a crucial role in the region’s ecosystem. Thanks to Tobgye’s stewardship, these primates now flourish, contributing to biodiversity and attracting eco-tourism, which benefits the local economy.
Tobgye’s story is a testament to the difference one person can make. His dedication highlights the importance of conservation and the profound impact it can have on both wildlife and human communities.