On China’s picturesque Beidao Island, a touching story of conservation spans generations. For over 50 years, 70-year-old Huang Hongbo has dedicated his life to rescuing sea turtles, sometimes saving up to 400 in a single year. Now, he’s passing the responsibility to his son, Huang Cheng, ensuring the preservation efforts continue for years to come.
"I’ve spent my whole life protecting these majestic creatures," says Huang Hongbo. "Now, it’s time for the next generation to take over."
Huang Cheng, inspired by his father’s passion, has embraced the mission wholeheartedly. "Growing up, I watched my father tirelessly work to save the turtles," he shares. "I’m honored to continue his legacy."
The local community is firmly supporting the younger Huang. Together, they are implementing new strategies to protect the marine ecology of the South China Sea. This united effort offers hope for the endangered sea turtles and highlights the importance of intergenerational cooperation in conservation.
With the steadfast commitment of the Huang family and the community, the sea turtles of Beidao Island are in safe hands.