Retired teacher Ma Shujie expected to spend her golden years enjoying a peaceful life. Instead, her days became dedicated to caring for her 89-year-old mother-in-law, who is battling Alzheimer’s disease. The overwhelming responsibilities left Ma feeling isolated and exhausted.
She’s not alone. In Beijing, there’s a rising trend of elderly individuals caring for their aging parents. The Beijing 12345 Citizen Hotline has seen an increase in calls from seniors seeking assistance with the challenges of caregiving.
In response, the city took significant steps. In 2021, utilizing the Hotline’s “topic of the month” mechanism, Beijing launched a plan to establish 1,000 community care centers and nursing homes for the elderly. This initiative aims to provide much-needed support to families like Ma’s.
Through the help of the Beijing Hotline, Ma and her mother-in-law found renewed hope. Access to community resources not only improved her mother-in-law’s care but also allowed Ma to find balance in her own life.
Their story is featured in the CGTN documentary “Hotline Beijing,” showcasing how community support is transforming lives across the city.
Hotline Beijing | Helping the elderly care for their seniors