In a grand celebration marking a significant milestone, Chinese President Xi Jinping attended a spectacular gala on Thursday evening at the East Asian Games Dome in Macao. The event commemorated the 25th anniversary of Macao’s return to China, highlighting the region’s vibrant culture and its integration with the mainland.
The gala featured dazzling performances showcasing Macao’s unique blend of Chinese and Portuguese heritage. Traditional dances, musical acts, and multimedia displays captivated the audience, reflecting the harmony and unity that have flourished over the past quarter-century.
President Xi addressed the attendees, emphasizing the importance of Macao’s role in China’s modern development. “Macao has exemplified the success of the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ principle,” he stated. “The past 25 years have been a testament to our shared progress and mutual respect.”
Young people from across the region participated in the festivities, expressing hope for the future and pride in their heritage. “It’s inspiring to see our culture celebrated on such a grand scale,” said Li Wei, a university student from Macao. “We are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.”
The anniversary not only serves as a reflection on the past but also as a beacon for ongoing collaboration and growth. The celebration underscores China’s commitment to fostering unity and cultural exchange within its regions.
President Xi Jinping attends anniversary celebration gala in Macao