The host city of the upcoming 2025 Asian Winter Games, Harbin, has introduced new train services to Yabuli, enhancing connectivity ahead of the international event. Yabuli, set to host the freeski and snowboard competitions, now boasts increased train frequencies to accommodate athletes, staff, and spectators.
High-speed trains stopping at Yabuli West Station have surged to 51 daily, meaning a train departs every seven minutes between different competition zones. The fastest high-speed train reduces travel time between Harbin and Yabuli to just one hour and two minutes, significantly improving access for those attending the games.
In addition to the high-speed services, the number of traditional trains stopping at Yabuli Railway Station has increased to 12. A new direct slow train from Beijing to Yabuli South Station has also been launched, providing more options for travelers coming from the capital.
Special ticket offices have been established at stations serving Asian Winter Games trains. These dedicated facilities allow athletes, staff, and media personnel to purchase tickets conveniently as they move between competition zones.
The 2025 Asian Winter Games will kick off on February 7 and conclude on February 14. The enhanced rail services aim to ensure smooth transportation and contribute to the success of the international sporting event.
More trains added between Harbin, Yabuli for 2025 Asian Winter Games