Beneath the bustling streets of Chengdu lies a hidden gem of ancient history. Discovered in 2001, the Jinsha Site revealed a 3,000-year-old city that once thrived as the capital of the mysterious Kingdom of Shu.
Today, the Jinsha Site Museum offers a captivating glimpse into this lost civilization, preserving parts of the original excavation and showcasing astonishing relics unearthed from the site.
Visitors can marvel at the exquisite craftsmanship of artifacts like the nearly pure gold sun disc, a symbol of the ancient Shu people’s worship of the sun. The museum also displays a magnificent gold mask and crown, reflecting the artistry and cultural richness of the time.
These treasures not only illuminate the sophisticated society that once existed but also connect modern audiences with a profound past. The Jinsha Site Museum stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Shu Kingdom, inviting everyone to explore and appreciate a slice of history that lay buried for millennia beneath Chengdu’s modern landscape.