In the serene village of Qinxing, nestled in Tongren City of Guizhou Province, nature puts on a breathtaking display as early winter arrives. Among the vibrant flora, an ancient ginkgo tree and a maple tree stand side by side, resembling a devoted couple embracing the season.
The golden leaves of the ginkgo intertwine with the fiery reds of the maple, creating a stunning tapestry of colors that captivates locals and visitors alike. This natural spectacle not only symbolizes the harmonious coexistence of different species but also reflects the deep-rooted cultural appreciation for nature in the region.
“It’s like watching a love story unfold between the trees,” says Lin, a resident of Qinxing Village. “Every year, they remind us of the beauty and balance in our environment.”
The enchanting scene has become a cherished sight, drawing photographers and nature enthusiasts eager to capture the fleeting moments of peak foliage. As the leaves begin to fall, the ‘husband-and-wife’ trees stand as a testament to the enduring allure of nature’s cycles.
'Husband-and-wife' trees welcome their prime season in Guizhou village