In Harbin, China’s famous “Ice City,” a colossal snowman named “Mr Snowman” is turning heads and warming hearts. Towering at 20 meters high and crafted from 4,000 cubic meters of snow, this giant figure stands proudly on Sun Island, inviting visitors from around the globe to immerse themselves in a magical ice and snow adventure.
Dressed in a stylish top hat and sporting a cheerful thumbs-up, Mr Snowman embodies the festive spirit of Harbin’s winter season. The city, renowned for its breathtaking ice sculptures and annual ice festival, has outdone itself with this monumental creation.
Tourists flock to Sun Island to marvel at Mr Snowman and explore the snow-covered landscapes that make Harbin a winter wonderland. The city’s unique blend of natural beauty and artistic ice carvings offers an unforgettable experience for all ages.
Whether you’re sliding down ice slides, wandering through illuminated ice palaces, or simply taking in the frosty scenery, Harbin’s icy embrace promises a season filled with wonder and joy.
Live: Giant snowman welcomes tourists from around the world to Harbin