Xiadang Town, nestled in the coastal city of Ningde in China’s Fujian Province, has undergone a remarkable transformation. Once a remote village facing poverty, it has evolved into a vibrant community showcasing modern infrastructure and rich cultural heritage.
Through dedicated government initiatives and the tireless efforts of local residents, Xiadang has embraced change while preserving its unique traditions. The town’s stunning landscapes are now complemented by advancements in green energy, making it a model for sustainable development.
During the Spring Festival, Xiadang comes alive with unique folk activities that resonate with both the young and old. Residents gather to bid farewell to the old days and welcome the new, celebrating with performances, lantern displays, and traditional customs passed down through generations.
This blend of tradition and modernity has turned Xiadang into a dreamlike destination, inspiring visitors and showcasing the impactful changes that collective efforts can achieve.
Live: A blend of tradition and transformation in dreamlike Xiadang