In a significant development amidst ongoing tensions, Russia and Ukraine have exchanged 150 prisoners from each side.
The swap took place on Monday, with the Russian Defense Ministry confirming the exchange. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on Telegram that 189 Ukrainians returned home, including servicemen and two civilians captured in Mariupol.
The released individuals comprise officers, soldiers, sergeants, and civilians who were involved in key locations such as the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the city of Mariupol, and Snake Island in the Black Sea.
The United Arab Emirates played a pivotal role in mediating this prisoner exchange. According to the UAE Foreign Ministry, this marks the tenth successful swap facilitated by the nation. The ministry emphasized its commitment to being a reliable mediator and dedicated to pursuing peaceful solutions to the conflict, as well as addressing humanitarian concerns for refugees and captives.
To date, Russia and Ukraine have conducted numerous prisoner exchanges, aiming to alleviate humanitarian impacts and build trust between the two nations. These exchanges are seen as hopeful steps toward easing tensions and finding a peaceful resolution.