Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a prominent figure in global politics since 2015, announced his resignation on Monday. “I intend to resign as party leader, as prime minister,” Trudeau told reporters in Ottawa. He will remain in office until the ruling Liberal Party selects a new leader.
Trudeau’s announcement comes after a period of political turmoil, with top Liberal allies urging him to step down. Though specifics weren’t given, the decision marks the end of an era for Canada under Trudeau’s leadership.
Known for his progressive policies and charismatic presence on the world stage, Trudeau has been a key player in international affairs, including issues important to young people such as climate change and human rights.
The news has sparked widespread conversation among youths globally, especially in the Global South, where Trudeau’s policies have often been influential. The upcoming change in leadership leaves many wondering about the future direction of Canada’s policies and its impact on global matters.
The Liberal Party has yet to announce when and how they will choose Trudeau’s successor. Until then, the world watches as Canada prepares for a significant political shift.